We got new QALO wedding rings to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. We partnered with QALO to share this post. No compensation was received. All opinions expressed are our own.
Marriage is a funny thing, isn’t it?!
When you first get engaged everything is so exciting and new. Then marriage comes and it’s a whole other adventure all in itself. Finally, growing your family with a pet or deciding to have children is another adventure on top of that. When you think about it, the adventures keep coming. And with every adventure comes its own set of challenges.
One of my favorite quotes reads:
“You’re attitude almost always determines your altitude in life.” –Zig Ziglar
Every time I start to whine or complain this quote begins to surface. And I’m glad it does. Marriage is fun…it’s also hard. Adventures are exciting, but they too have a price. In the end both are always worth it.
If you haven’t noticed from our most recent blogs posts, my husband and I just celebrated 10 years of marriage! It’s definitely been a fun and bumpy ride.
At the beginning of the year we had planned to renew our vows and finally go on a nice vacation. Those two things didn’t happen, and although I was disappointed, it wasn’t the end of the world. We found other ways to honor the past decade.
I’m actually grateful we were able to enjoy a more light and practical celebration because it reminded me to look at how far we’ve come and how much more there still is to look forward to. It also reminded me that we didn’t get to this place on our own. I was thankful for our friends and family who helped watch the kids while we went on dates and for keeping us in prayer.
Ringing in 10 Years with QALO
One way we celebrated making it to 10 years was by getting new rings.
The wedding ring is one of the most widely known symbols of unity and eternal love in marriage. I was told to never take my ring off unless I absolutely needed to. And for the most part I didn’t. After having kids, I only wore my wedding band because the prongs on my engagement ring would scratch my little babies. After becoming more active again my ring finger was regularly naked. As much as I loved my rings and what they stood for, I didn’t always feel like wearing them. They started to get in the way. The same was true for my husband.
Then I heard about QALO.
QALO’s mission is to inspire people to improve their quality of life by committing to love selflessly, live athletically, and play outdoors constantly. QALO makes rings that are practical for couples with an active lifestyle. They’re made of medical-grade silicone and the best part is that you can wear them anywhere! I love their story.
QALO stands for Quality, Athletics, Love and Outdoors.
A Life Worth Living
Everything about this ring aligned with where our marriage was moving. Since we loved our rings so much I thought I’d share a little about how we’re living and enjoying that QALO life!
Quality. You’ve heard the saying, “quality versus quantity.” Time and time again, this has proven to be true in many areas of my life, especially in marriage. To me, quality must be a part of everything you do. Whether you’re cooking, washing the dishes or making your bed. More importantly, we need to make it a point to spend quality time with our spouse.
It also about finding quality products that fit your lifestyle. QALO was the perfect fit for us since we began to focus more on getting fit through Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) among other activities.
Athletics. We work out together because we want to grow old together. By eating healthily and living an active lifestyle, we’re setting a good example for our kids and letting them know we want to be around for each other. Our active lifestyle is different from others, but I love it because it’s diverse and it works for us. The diversity is what motivates me personally to stay active.
Thanks to QALO we’re able sport our rings and our love for each other while training BJJ, practicing Pilates, stick fighting or going out for a walk/run.
Love. Marriage and family shouldn’t be our excuses, they should be our reasons when it comes to anything in life. This is an attitude check I face daily. We strive to live an active lifestyle for our families. We include them on our walks, our hikes, they watch us when we train and sometimes they train too. Our love for each other is what keeps us going.
Speaking of love, we love our rings for the simple fact we are able to wear them anywhere while doing anything! In fact, they feel like they’re not even there. Most of the time I forget I have one on.
Outdoors. Exploring the great outdoors is something we’re still working on. But that doesn’t stop us from having local adventures to keep us moving outside. Whether it’s taking a walk at the lake or participating in a 5k we are making it a goal to take our active lifestyle outdoors.
Sharing is Saving
Here at The Pinky Project, we only talk about products that we absolutely love. If you’re looking for a new ring that not only fits your lifestyle but is also affordable QALO is perfect for you.
Share with your friends and get $5 off. For every friend that makes a purchase you’ll get $5 off your next purchase. So, if you decide to get new rings, let them know who sent ya’!
They offer a variety of colors and styles to match a myriad of personalities. They also have specific ring styles that support certain causes and charities. For example, you can support the Alliance for Lupus Research when you buy a purple ring. Check out all the styles here.
I chose the Women’s Quality Black Silicone Ring while the husband went with the Men’s Athletics Black Perforated Silicone Ring.
How are you living the QALO life? Which ring(s) would you choose? Leave a comment below, we’d love to hear.
We need to up our game with living the QALO life! You and your husband are a great couple and very inspiring! My fave is the entire Women’s Athletics Perforated Collection, I would choose that to mix up the color choices.
Cynthia Labrador recently posted..Holiday Gift Ideas For Kids on Groupon Goods
Thanks for stopping by, Cynthia! I appreciate your kind words. I’m always hoping to be inspirational to others. Women’s Athletics Perforated Collection is a great pick. I love all the colors too.