Happy 10 Year Anniversary, to us!
Yes, we got married 2 days before our 6 year dating anniversary! What can we say, we love October! On another note, my 10 year high school reunion is also this month…I’ve decided not to attend. However, I’m always proud to tell people that “I married my prom date!”
Anyway, these past 10 years have gone by so quickly. It’s crazy how I can remember the day Daddy and I met so clearly. It was at a church function and I was checking him out, little did I know he was doing the same. When I was introduced I kid you not, the Lord tugged at my heart and said ‘he’s the one’. I thought to myself, Lord you crazy, I just met this guy! Well, we all know the Lord is not crazy because here we are celebrating 10 years of dating and 4 years of being married.
Since I already poured a little of my heart out in the last post, I’ll save the sappy and get to the happy! We’ve shared so many experiences together both positive and negative, fun and not so fun. Without further adieu…Daddy, once again, this post is dedicated to you! Hey, I can’t help it if I’m a helpless romantic 😉
First off, the photo above was taken at Star Shots, my first place of employment…before we were even official! This was probably one of the few times Daddy actually enjoyed taking pictures.
Daddy and I have always been a pretty goal oriented couple, more so in the beginning. We’ve always been able to aim high and hit the mark. If there is any piece of advice we can give to others, it’s to write down your goals. Writing down our goals, praying to God for guidance and focusing on the prize is what has got RyAngela through some tough times. Trusting in God is what has brought us to where we are today.
Our first goal was to graduate from college! It seemed like it took forever to finish, but we did it. And it was fun because we did it together. We shared our accomplishment with those we loved and helped us along the way.
They say first comes love, then comes marriage…after graduating there was nothing else left to do, and six months later we were engaged! Daddy proposed at a little French Restaurant, I can’t remember the name for the life of me, and the rest is history. It was a moment I will never forget because it was the first time Daddy had surprised me. He was so nervous, it was cute!
Finally, after 10 long months of planning we got married!

The first year was tough as we found ourselves living in my room at my parent’s house. Not the ideal honeymoon, but we ran into some unexpected circumstances to say the very least. It wasn’t all that bad. I just thank God my family took us in and we had a place to stay.
After almost exactly one year, we purchased our own humble abode. Our own little starter place…that we are now growing out of. As you can guess, our next goal is to invest in a bigger place.
So, what comes after love and marriage? A baby in the baby carriage, right? Of course, but not until we’ve had a few years of fun to ourselves. Two and a half years to be exact.
Although are travels are few and far between, I am enjoying the overall journey that has been set out for us as a whole. I am enjoying getting to know everything about Daddy and learning to love him more and more each day, this I know will take a lifetime. I figure, we have our whole live’s ahead of us to conquer this place. Even if we don’t we still have each other.
And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for…our goal of raising a family. Now the baby comes…and when she came, she changed both of our lives forever! I personally, never knew I could love someone as much as I love her, our Pinky. We made our big announcement on Mother’s Day!
The 9 month journey was so exciting for us. Even more exciting was the day she was born and everyday after that!
And there will be no baby drinking alcohol, so I’ll stop right here. With God on our side, careful planning and open communication, Daddy and I were able to accomplish some of our biggest goals in life. There is still a lot to look forward to. I am so blessed to be in the place that I am today. I love being Mommy to my Baby and I love being Wifey to my Husby!
To Daddy...there were mix tapes and in our time there were burned CD’s…one song I remember made me laugh, but the chorus was our theme song for a while…
“So if the world was to believe that what we share weren’t meant to be, then it would be just you and me against the world, and if our friends and family can’t bear to see us both happy then it will be just you and me against the world”-Musiq Soulchild
It’s still you and me against the world Dear…and now that we have our own little sidekick, it’s us THREE against the world!
I love you, Happy 10 Year Anniversary! Cheers to the next 10…20…30…40…50 years!
happy anniversary guys!.. i just wanted to let you guys know that you guys are inspiring not only watching you guys grow together as a couple through the years,but as a couple in a marriage it takes a lot of hard work and love to get through what life throws at you and both of you managed to get through it TOGETHER its rare nowadays to have that kind of relationship/marriage. now seeing you guys as parents is so much more inspiration that one day i hope that sunny and i can be just as great as you guys are not only in relationship/marriage, but as parents as well.. CHEERS to 10 years and forever more years to come…love you guys & chub chubs
Awww…I think I shed a tear! Haha! Thank you so much for your kind words, I’m so glad that you find us inspiring. You and Sunny are already on the right path. I can see that he has made an impact in your life, and vice versa. You two will make wonderful parents one day soon. I look forward to watching you both grow as you have seen Ryan and I grow. Every relationship has its challenges but it’s how we work through those challenges that make us strong and keeps us together. Thank you again. Love you guys! And Happy Belated Anniversary to you guys too! Two years went by really fast!