Disney California Adventure, here we come! Secretly, I’m looking forward to staying at the Hilton Anaheim!
The reason for our trip, to celebrate Tia Locita’s birthday! Happy Birthday Tia Locita! I’m so excited, yet so exhausted and I haven’t even started packing. Just thought I’d share some of the excitement I’ve had planning this somewhat last minute trip. Our family is filled with uncertainty. If there is one thing for certain, it’s uncertainty!!! I was stressed about booking a hotel, where to get tickets, when was I going to research all of this stuff, etc. Finally, everything is finalized and we got everything squared away in 2 days.
In attendance: Daddy, myself, Pinky, Tia Locita, Auntie Chicka and Uncle Moe Moe! This is our first trip as siblings, so we are extremely excited!
Transportation: My dad, Grandpa, offered to let us use his Suburban, but we’re driving two cars because Daddy and Uncle Moe Moe have different destinations on the way back to SD. Practice for Daddy and work, for Uncle.
Destination: Disney’s California Adventure. We went here for Daddy’s birthday way back when we weren’t parents, more-so newlyweds. This is the first time for my sibs so it will be fun. I’m expecting to sit out on most of the rides because Pinky is obviously too small to ride. I do hope the lines aren’t too long so I can take turns. I want to ride the roller coaster and the hotel ride, forgot the name. Hey, this is also Pinky’s first time to the other side!
Tickets were a challenge to find, discounted. Usually Pinky’s Lolo (Daddy’s Dad) buys them for us at the Navy Exchange, but he’s not here at the moment. I tried looking for deals online, but they were all for park hopper tickets, season tickets, and we were only going for one day. The best bet and the next closest thing to getting $10 off with a military discount, was getting $6 off with an SDSU student discount, oh yeah. Good thing Uncle Moe Moe is a student. We drove down to the ticket office and bought our tickets there. We barely missed the 2fer deal and they no longer do the free birthday pass, FYI! San Diego Bargain Mama, did refer me to a site called www.mousesavers.com for avid Disney travelers! Check it out for some great deals and tips for your next Disney Destination!
Hotel: Hilton Anaheim for $109 thanks to Orbitz and a random coupon I found by Googling “orbitz coupon code”! Found one and we got 20% off our entire order! So it came out to less than $109! It would have been $89 for the night, but I waited too long to book. Anyway, there are a lot of great deals on hotels out there, not to mention great coupons and codes online. A Hilton property at $89 – $109 is an awesome deal. My argument, you know what to expect at a Hilton Hotel…great service and clean rooms, this price could not be beat!
So, we’re going on a trip, we’re going on a trip! I used to sing this to Pinky every time I’d put her in her car seat to try and distract her! Oh the memories! I’ll keep you posted on our (CA) adventure.
Anyone else planning a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth soon? Let me know how you save.
YES ! im excited!!! 🙂
this was one of the funnest trips, i enjoyed my time there with you guys especially on my birthday, i love you all. we must do this again!
I’m with Amber, where to next guys!