…couldn’t come any sooner!
Today, our family is going on a somewhat spontaneous trip to the Happiest Place on Earth, Disneyland of course! Courtesy of Pinky’s Lolo, that’s Grandpa in Tagalog. I feel like one of those kids in the commercials who can’t sleep because they’re so excited to see the magic and wonder that Disney promises. Except I can’t sleep because I have so much to do…ironically I’m exhausted and a little frustrated I didn’t have time to prepare better.
Anyway, thinking about Alana’s First time at Disneyland made me feel much better! She had her 1st visit at 4 months. I think she was a bit too young to appreciate it back then. This time around, however, I think she is going to have a blast especially now that she can walk and recognize the characters.
Here are the photos that turned my mood from angry to at ease, in .002 seconds flat, just thinking about it! I love my little Pinky, she always knows what to do to make Mommy feel better. Just starring at her face in a photo from a moment stolen in time, brings me pure happiness! I can’t help it, my cup overflows with joy 🙂
Cheers, to that Happiest Place on Earth!

1st Visit – May 2010