I’m not sure how my son got into Power Rangers, but he is all about them right now. We recently celebrated his 3rd birthday around his favorite ranger – The Red Ranger. And he needed a Power Ranger tee shirt to represent.
Those Power Rangers seem to be making a comeback. I remember watching the show back in the 90’s! Little did I know they would become a huge merchandising franchise and create several television series including Power Ranger Dino Chargers, Power Ranger Super Samurai, Power Rangers Jungle Fury and more that would flood our Netflix feed. I hear another Power Ranger movie is set to come out in 2017 so look out for that too.
The Power Rangers may be easy to find on Netflix, but I found it challenging to find any Power Ranger apparel. At least not anything I could pick up at a local department store. I didn’t even find a huge selection online. So what did I do? I made my own.
I searched online for some tutorials and talked through some ideas with my crafty sister. I wanted to make shirts for my son, daughter and their two cousins for his birthday dinner. My only requirements were 1) it had to be affordable and 2) easy to make. After all, I only had two hours to make them. Hello!
Here’s what I came up with as I was so urgently looking up and down the craft aisles at Walmart for transfer paper and white felt – both which they were out of and probably too pricey any way.
DIY Power Ranger Tee Shirts
Materials. I picked up white acrylic paint for a $1.50 and a pack of sponge brushes for 97 cents. I already had painters tape at home and some shirts I purchased at the 5 for $10 store by my house (the little shirts were 4 for $10.) Let’s not forget the Power Ranger sword to help you charge through this craft.
Design & Technique. I went home and free-handed the three diamonds on each shirt using the painters tape. I started with the large diamond in the center. I let it try while moving onto the next shirt, did about 2-3 coats and then moved on to the outer diamonds. I used a clip board to help keep the shirt in place as well as to help me stretch the shirt so I could get the paint well distributed in the area of my template. The process reminded me a lot of how I used to screen print tee shirts in high school in graphic arts class.
The Result. Easy, peasy DIY Power Ranger tee shirts for four happy little munchkins. The cost to make 4 shirts was less than $15. Which is probably what I would have paid for one shirt at the store. These look so much better!
The quality was pretty decent to my surprise. They were by no means perfect, but they were perfect for the occasion considering how quickly they took me to make. I’m sure if I took a little more time with this project they would have turned out a lot better, but I was happy with the outcome either way. These are perfect for party giveaways if you know ahead of time who’s coming. They’re also great for dramatic play, Halloween costumes and just for fun!
If you want to do even more to spice this “costume” up check out this tutorial I found for Power Ranger gloves from fellow blogger, Housewife Eclectic.
Tell us what you think about these DIY Power Ranger Tee Shirts! Would you make them? Don’t forget to tell us who your favorite ranger is too in the comments below.
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How fun! I wish my son was into Power Rangers.
You’re so crafty! Have you thought about trying iron ons to create the diamonds? I have a silhouette cameo and loved it for decorating my daughter’s onesies when she was smaller.
Thanks, Maggie. It was a fun project. I actually liked how it all came together in such a small amount of time.
Hey Stephanie! Thank you. I try to be craft when I can. I find it relaxing. I was going to do an iron on, but I didn’t give myself enough time. We have a Cricut, but I have not used it to it’s full potential. I would love to see photos of your creations 😉
So cute! My kids haven’t seen power rangers yet, but I bet they will love them.
Super cute and super easy! Win-win! Those kiddos are adorable too.
Ferly Tangonan recently posted..How to Create a Routine for Moms and Why it Matters
Thank you, Ferly. It was definitely a win-win for us. I might be bias about the kiddos, but I agree. Cute in deed!
Is this something that you can wash then? Or will the white paint wash out? 🤔
Hi Amanda! Yes, you can definitely wash these. I was worried the paint would fade, but it is still in tact. It may fade a little, but we have washed and worn the shirts multiple times and they still look good 😉
Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
So I’m things to do this a week before his bday along with all other things and I love your idea, but I bought actual fabric paint; do you think it’ll work?
Hi Kayla! I bet the fabric paint might work just as well, or even better for this project. Happy Birthday to your little guy! Thanks for reading.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Mf son is really into power rangers and I am on the search for a Birthday shirt. This idea and diy is great. Thanks again.
Hey, Hilda! I’m so glad you liked the tutorial. I hope you were able to make the shirts and they turned out great! Happy Belated Birthday!
Thank you so much for this amazing ideas. My daughters and nephews love power rangers so much! Im going to make this stuff for them. I’m pretty sure they gonna love it. Thanks again.