My daughter fell in love with Toy Story 3 last year. It was actually the first movie that kept her attention from start to finish. The movie and characters became even more special to her when we watched Disney on Ice Presents Toy Story 3 and everybody got down to do the Hoedown Throw Down.
I can’t tell you how many times my husband and I watched that movie. I asked my smarty pants 2 year old what she wanted to be for Halloween and she threw me for a curve ball when she said, I’m going to be Jessie, Uncle Moe Moe going to be Woody!
I was banking wearing a Minnie Mouse costume she got for her half birthday or Grandma finally making her Dorothy costume. I will admit though, I was really excited to have another chance to ‘make’ her costume.
You better believe I Googled…and found a cool new sew tutorial from a blog titled Racks and Mooby. I don’t own a sewing machine, so no sew is the way I role. I then became obsessed with making the costume. Without further adieu here is how we made it.
Here is a photo of Jessie from Toy Story for your recollection…
Tools and Ingredients
Here is what you’ll need. I know it looks like a lot, but seriously, you’ll find you have most of this stuff lying around at home…
- White shirt, here we used a turtle neck, but a polo with collar is preferred
- Pair of old jeans
- (2) squares of yellow felt
- (1) square of white felt
- (2) buttons
- Red sequin or glitter
- Velcro
- Hot glue gun and/or craft glue
- (1) yard of cow designed fabric (more or less depending on your child’s size)
- Red cowgirl hat from Dollar Tree
- White ribbon (we used left over gift wrap ribbon)
- Hole puncher
- Scissors
- Tape
- Needle Thread (I did sew on the buttons, since we didn’t have a polo shirt)
For the hat, because it was super easy I saved it for last. I called Dollar Tree to make sure they had a hat, and low and behold they did. The original tutorial said that’s where they purchased it from. I used the hole puncher to punch holes around the rim on the hat. They were approximately 1-2 inches apart. Then I weaved in some white ribbon we had “lying around the house.” Tip: I tied a knot and taped where the ribbon ends to the bottom of the hat! Also, the hat is very flimsy so make sure you use something to secure it on your child’s head. Hey, you get what you pay for, right?
My first order of business, was to cut all the templates out. Once I did that, everything was easy.
For the pants, I took the cow print fabric, laid it on top of my daughter’s little jeggings she had “lying around the house” and cut. My advice, don’t try to make it perfect! It will look good, trust me! Then I cut out the felt pieces.
For the shirt, I eyeballed from the top of the shoulder to the armpit area. Sorry, not sewing jargon here, just plain Jane explain! Besides, I don’t know any.
For the cuffs, I wrapped a rectangle piece around my daughter’s arm, cut the ends on a small angle and secured using Velcro strips.
After all the templates were cut, I went trigger happy with the glue gun…I’ve got the burns to prove it. I opted to use both the tacky craft glue and glue gun to make sure nothing was going to fall off on our TV segment on Fox 5!
For the design, I used a string of red sequin that was on sale at Walmart. I didn’t need more than a 24″. I used a glue gun for this and got burned. Tip: use tweezers when handling the sequin and hot glue gun!
Just wait for everything to dry and you are ready to go. I’ll have my daughter’s hair in two pigtail braids. She already has some brown boots so I will slap those on and she will be good to go. You can also opt to add a belt, but my little girls is well, little, I didn’t think it was necessary.
Bottom line, it doesn’t have to look exactly like the one in the movie, it just needs to resemble it so people will recognize who you are, or who your child is rather. Also, the whole thing cost me less than $10 and that is what I call a deal!
I would have loved to get my whole family involved and recreate the Toy Story 3 Gang, maybe next year! Happy Halloween! Enjoy!
NICE! I wish that I read this sooner! Our son is Buzz Lightyear and he wanted his daddy to be Woody and me to be Jessie! I love plain jane explain! Next time I’ll plan better for our family costume!
Cynthia recently posted..Happy Halloween From Buzz Lightyear