When your baby’s first word is MAMA…you’re heart melts. But when they start calling you, MOMMY! Oh my Lord, you just die! Pinky started calling me Mommy last week, and she sounds like such a big girl. I try to get her to say it in this video while she stuffs her face with noodles! She also says NO (her favorite word of all time), I Love You in sign language, and blows messy kisses. I can’t believe how fast she’s growing. She wants to feed her self, she’s putting more words together…the next thing you know she’ll be talking in full sentences!
It’s so much fun to watch and document the progress of our children. What milestones have your children reached this week? We love to know so please share!
Aw! This video is so cute! I love the way she says “Mommy” & “no.” And that’s the first time I’ve ever seen her sign “I love you!” She’s getting so big!
this is too cute!!! i cant believe how fast she is growing, pretty soon she will be riding a bike! that was the first time i saw her sign “i love you” too! i think it’s pretty awesome how you guys taught her sign language!!!!
Isn’t it so cute! She is trying to do a lot of things now. It’s crazy to see her personality unfold before our eyes! Love you guys for helping us raise her!