Oh my goodness! Pinky is such a sponge. Pinky’s Baby Sign Language breakthroughs continue to prove how valuable our classes with Sign4Baby have been.
Over the past week or two Pinky has picked up new signs and has started understanding them. She can now sign ‘please’ when told to ask politely for something. Also, while watching an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba, her new favorite show, she signed ‘fish’ as a man was drawing a fish! And she is using signs for ‘more’ and ‘hurt’ more frequently and in context. We are still in the process of deciphering some of the other signs, and words, but overall Pinky is becoming such a smart communicator.
If you recall, we started Pinky in a Sign Language Class when she was 6 months old. We recently started attending class again. I was worried at first because she didn’t as interested as she did the first time. I wondered maybe it was because she was one of the bigger babies in the class this time, or because she just wanted to play. After class Joann, our baby sign language instructor reassured me that it was okay for Pinky to be walking around during class. Because she is older now, she will tend to move around a lot and become easily distracted. I did notice however, that when Pinky saw Joann outside of class, she recognized her and was very fond of her. It was as if she found the correlation between the two – teacher and sign language. Later last week when we saw Joann again she was so open to talking to her and even signed ‘baby’ while in ‘conversation’ with Joann.
We have been continuing to sign to Pinky even though she doesn’t always sign back. I believe the important thing is that we as parents remain consistent in anything we do with our children. The more we continue to sign, the more Pinky will understand what we are trying to say. In our family, communication is very important. We are just so glad that Pinky is able to communicate with us in more than one way. It really does help lower the stress levels for everyone. And, it gives us yet another reason to be so proud of our little girl!
good job nana! and to your parents! she is one smart kid!!
My daughter is soo cute! I wonder where she gets it.