Oh my goodness. I did not think my sister and I would spend almost four hours at the Head to Toe Women’s Expo. We had more fun than we expected. As soon as we walked in we were drawn to the right – the best real estate for vendors! Tia Locita got a feather in her hair from Hair Addictions, and I spent nearly 30 minutes deciding on whether to buy a black watch or a white watch at Accessory Mania.
In my opinion, the exhibit hall was very well laid out. There was a good amount of vendors as well as a good variety. A wonderful blend of businesses catering to women of all ages, shapes and sizes. An inspiring blend of women entrepreneurs getting the word out about their products and services. I was in awe!
Some of my personal favorites were Media4Women, Stella & Dot, Measure Me Mommy, Relax & Wax, Bon Bon’s Girly Boutique’s unique lockets, and Custom Body Pillows. I loved trying on wigs with Tia Locita with Wig Van and getting our makeup done by Earth Lab Cosmetics.
The Head to Toe Women’s Expo really brought the bling this year! Loved seeing all that glitters in lieu of the Bling it On theme! Shiny temporary tatoos, enlarged glittery letters fun for any girl’s room and shimmery nail polish all under one roof!
I had an awesome first experience at the Head to Toe. Next time, I’m bring all my girls. My only regret is not going back for the Wyndham special in San Francisco, I know I’ll be kicking myself in the but soon as I begin planning our trip. Who’s going to beat $179 for 2 nights, 3 days, a bus tour and a $50 AMX card? That’s right, no one! Ahhh…I must end on a good note though, I met so many people, and I look forward to connecting with them about their products and services soon. I’m just glad Daddy and Pinky had a chance to hang out too, the had their first Daddy-Daughter Date while Mommy and Tia Locita were out and about running the isles of Head to Toe!
If you missed this expo, you missed out, but there is always the fall! Be sure to check out the Head to Toe Women’s Expo in November. See you there! For show dates and more information visit http://www.headtotoewomensexpo.com.
I had a great time there. it was nice spending the day with my big sister, havent done that in a long while. lets go again next year or whenever they have it. i think ill get more feathers in my hair, mayb i’ll do the reggae colors 🙂
I know! We did have a lot of fun and it has been a long time. Next stop…Bad Ass Coffee?! Thanks again for coming with me.