It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Milestone Monday! I feel like I have so much to report. Pinky is growing and developing so quickly. It’s amazing how God makes us smile and warms our hearts with the way our children grow and thrive. There is never a dull moment with Pinky; and there is never a day that I don’t smile or have a great laugh. There is something really wrong with a person who is not taken aback by a child’s smile is, their energy is contagious!
So, what fun milestones can I share with you today? Here’s the latest list:
- Pinky has been surprising us all with the clarity of her words. She has an Uncle Moe, but we refer to him as Moe Moe, and this past Saturday Pinky called out his name so clearly – Moe Moe! She really surprised!
- She is also starting to say NO very clearly, go figure! Sometimes multiple times in a row, thanks to Auntie Chica. And thanks to Tia Locita, she sometimes says meh-meh, for ‘mine’.
- Since Pinky’s nose has been running over the past few days, we’ve been using the suction ball to help relieve her poor little nose. In our home, we have a name for it, BOMBA! I realize that this word has several other meanings which are probably not appropriate for this topic, but that’s what my grandma and my mom called it when I was a child. Anyway, while nursing Pinky, I asked Daddy, where the BOMBA was she took her mouth off the boob, looked at me, said BOMBA and gave me the most precious smile. She was so proud of herself, and so was I! It was much cuter than it sounds, I promise.
- Other words Pinky is pronouncing more clearly are, bye, nom-nom for food and wa-wa, for water. I know I’m missing a bunch! Like I said, she’s difficult to keep up with!
- Pinky loves that she can communicate, it makes her feel so confident in herself, you can just tell by the look in her eyes. She is starting to use the sign for milk again, quite frequently which makes Mommy very happy!
- Animals are always so interesting to Pinky and she can now sign for: monkey, bird, turtle, elephant, and dog.
- In addition, she is also getting used to signing for: more, hurt, change (diaper) and play. The more we sign together, the happier we’ll be!
- Pinky is dancing and playing with her instruments a lot more. We just enrolled her into her first music class that started last Tuesday. Her teacher was very impressed at how well she did on her first day. I’ll be sure to post more about her class soon. She finds it so interesting and loves interacting with all the other children.
- Imaginative play is so important for children, and Pinky is already expressing her interest in playing the role of Mommy! I’ve noticed that she cares for Elmo as if he were her own! baby Thanks to Abuelita, she enjoys playing with dolls, more specifically life size real looking babies! When she’s with Abuelita, she feeds her baby, rocks it, kisses it and tries to change it’s diaper. It’s adorable!
- Finally, a very important breakthrough, taking baths in the tub and not the sink!!! Ever since she took a bath with cousin Aaralyn she practically begs to jump in the tub! A little mermaid she is, so we’re researching some swim schools for her again.
I still can’t believe how fast Pinky is growing! I wish I had a video camera attached to my head so I can look back on everything later on. For now, I’m just going to enjoy all her little quirks, love her and take as many pictures as I can – mentally and with a camera! Slowdown Pinky!
Let us know what your little ones are up too!
Thank you Mommy for posting these. I wish I could personally see these milestones for myself. Hopefully on our next child that could be a possibility. Our child is growing up.
i love reading all the blogs u post up. alana is growing so fast. although she keeps asking me about her baby brother!? ahaha..
We are always thinking about you, Daddy! Definitely the next one! That’s what we’re working on , right? Haha! Well working on you being there more, not the next one, yet! Love you!
Haha! Thank you so much for your support Tia Locita! It is very much appreciated! We love you!