It’s 3:30am on a Saturday morning. Usually I’d be asleep right now, but I just attempted to not give Pinky her late night/early morning feeding. Lately she’s been taking advantage that the shop is always open helping herself 2, 3, sometimes 4 times a night for long periods at a time. Mommy has become a human drinking faucet and pacifier, almost indefinitely! I will admit, I’ve gotten so used to just rolling over, lifting up or pulling down my shirt and letting Pinky have her way with the twins…and I love her so much I would do anything for her…however, Mommy’s back is hurting and she is always exhausted! I’m getting the life sucked right out of me, literally! I take partial, okay, full responsibility. Afterall, I am the parent! I just always had it in my mind that I’d be breastfeeding for as long as she wanted. I just didn’t know she’d still want to at 13 months or that it would be this hard!
My reason for trying to ween Pinky off the night shift was a suggestion from her pediatrician. She said it would be good for the both of us. She’ll have a bigger appetite in the morning, we won’t have to worry about her teeth rotting, and well I can get my girls back. My actual attempt, lasted all about 30 minutes, and ended with me lying in my side with a baby attached to my boob just like any other night.
Pinky woke up, and started to cry and then scream when she realized I wasn’t going to give her any milk. I kept holding her and reassuring her that Mommy loves her and this was for her own good. I tried giving her water, distracting her with finding Daddy, who eventually woke up with all thw racket, but is now sound asleep. I rocked her and shhh’d her but she just wanted some milk. It was hard enough that we were apart all day on Friday! She probably thought I was being so mean to her…oh snap out of it!
Oh, but it’s so hard to do this tough love thing! Doctor said it would take about 3 nights! I’ll try again tonight and hopefully we’ll see some results! Right now, she’s sound asleep, maybe she’ll sleep in. I can’t say we didn’t make any progress, I know it’s going to take some time for the both of us to ween!
Dear Lord, help me be a strong mother for my baby!
im going on STRIKE!!!! no more milk no more milk!!!! when alana was at the house on saturday andrea gave her some milk with a straw. when she first drank it she had this look on her face like “wtheck is this??!!” then she started blowing bubbles with the straw so i think she liked it after all. try giving her milk in a straw for the times that you usually feed her mayb that will help out joe!
You’re silly! This was the only night we really weened! It’s so hard to say no to her. I’ll give her until 18 months…and if she really is done by then…well, I’ll have to start protesting! Haha! Thanks for reading, and for your comment!