This year was Pinky’s very First Halloween! Being the Mommy and Perfectionist that I am, I wanted everything to be perfect. I have to remind myself that perfection is overrated. Really, I just didn’t want to be doing anything last minute. And for the most part, I didn’t…but my Mom a.k.a Grandma did. Seriously, I’m over it though…Let’s get to the happier things in life.
On Saturday, Daddy carved a very pretty pumpkin. It took him all about three hours and over $20 in carving tools to accomplish! Click here for more fun photos.

On Sunday, Mommy finally made Whoopie Pies, eh-hem from scratch, just sayin’. Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with a Classic Cream Cheese Filling to be exact! Then we went to watch Jailhouse Rock, a Kids Musical at People’s Church where the Harvest Festival would be held. Games, candy, food, and balloons were all present!

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with Cream Cheese Filling
All the years Daddy and I have been together, we’ve never made a big deal about Halloween. BUT, everything is ‘funner’ when you have a kid! Our minimalist approach to being festive paid off because once Pinky was in the mix, we looked so cute! Keep reading to see what I mean.
Although Pinky didn’t know what was going on half the time, she eventually joined in on the fun. She had her Elmo bucket in hand and changed her costume three times. YES, three times!
Pinky arrived in a Pink Paul Frank Tutu {an earlier gift courtesy of Auntie Iris} with pearls and a bow, as a baby ballerina princess. Too bad I didn’t have a crown handy. Oh well, she still looked so adorable.

Mommy’s Little Princess
It started to get cold, so we changed her into her ‘Thing Shirt’ {courtesy of Auntie Jojo and Uncle Sunny}. She was Thing #3! This is what I was referring to! We are Thing 1, Thing 2 and of course Thing 3 from Dr. Seuss’ Wild Imagination! Don’t we look cute!?!
Finally, Pinky’s main costume! We definitely have the Cutest Pumpkin from the Patch! Courtesy of Grandma who literally put her blood, sweat and tears into making this for Pinky. I really do appreciate the work she put in. We’ll need to get some better photos, but this one will do for now.
Pinky’s First Halloween turned out to be great! Everything was perfect except for the fact that my camera had a mind of it’s own and stopped working! The important thing is that Pinky spent the day with family in a fun and safe environment! I’m looking forward to next year…hopefully we can plan ahead and get more creative with our costumes!
Thank you to everyone who helped make Pinky’s First Halloween a memorable one! We love you all!
On a side note, check out the balloon work above! That guy was really good! He made Elmo and a stinkin’ penguin!