Pinky’s healing is in progress. Almost immediately after the nurse applied the ointment to Pinky’s burn it already started to look better. The problem was the cheap band-aid they put over it as a dressing. It just would not stick, mainly because of the ointment. We went to Target today to but some real Band-Aids. If you thought Pinky’s First Trip to the ER was interesting read on for another adventure.
It’s great that they make Band-Aids with all kinds of fun characters on them. It makes kids want to wear them more and I’m sure it makes them feel better that their boo boo is being protected by a familiar face. Even at 29 weeks Pinky was so happy to see a Ni Hao Kailan Band-Aid. I was so impressed when I showed her the box. She looked at me as though she had recognized Kailan’s face. It was the sweetest thing. She was so excited that she didn’t want to let the box go. Finally, it came time for check out. I took the little red box with Kailan’s picture on it from those tiny little hands of hers and the baby diva let loose, Pinky started throwing a fit. I was not impressed! I was surprised, really, that she was making such a fuss over this little red box. The lady at checkout was nice enough to hand the box back to Pinky and scan it in her hands. Again, the cutest thing because Pinky actually looked like she was holding it out for the lady to scan.
It’s amazing how children find entertainment and delight in the simplest things. This is something us adults need to revert to more often. After all, life is about the simple things in life. Although Pinky is far from simple, she seems to prove this daily as her personality comes through little by little…it’s the little things she does that makes such a huge impact and impression in our heart and memory.
The more Pinky goes back to being herself, the better. It tells us that she’s getting better and her little body is healing.
Gotta go, the boss is calling! Coming Pinky!
Read more about Pinky in progress at